Our Portfolio of Projects
Our social investments, grants and concessional loans, are the means to support our partners to achieve impact. We are eager to share this source of valuable experience .
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Training / Leadership, capacity building / Global, Online
Supporting Organisations to Manage their Operations in Times of Covid-19
In the midst of the COVID crisis, SCF asked its partners to share their experiences to facilitate knowledge sharing among partners and to make necessary adaptations to the support SCF provides to its partners.

Training / Small business growth / Global, Online
Supporting Opportunities for Small Business Growth
Small business growth can be challenging, particularly when entrepreneurs live in rural areas and lack a supporting ecosystem.

Training / Tech and development, capacity building / Global, Online
Taking Your Offline Activity to the Online World.
7 things I Learned in Silicon Valley
Many impact first organisations have plans to integrate online/remote technology to deliver part of the services. The current situation triggered by COVID has accelerated the need to make some decisions in this respect.