Digitising Market Access of Fairtrade Palestinian Handcrafts
Area of expertise:
Social business
Sunbula is a fair trade organisation that sells traditional craft produced by Palestinian groups (mainly women, ethnic minorities). These groups produce crafts but have experienced difficulties in accessing the market. Sunbula serves as a bridge to sell their product and provides training to adapt the product to market demands.
Sunbula´s main point of sale has been a shop in Jerusalem where tourists and international development workers purchase their products. Also, they have started selling online, which has proved to be an increasing source of revenue for the community of producers.
This project aims to increase sales via capacity-building through two main activities:
Revisiting the business plan and sales strategy to increase overall sales and income to the artisans
Supporting the further development and improvement of the webpage and assisting in the implementation of online marketing tools to support digitalisation and to reduce their vulnerability to Covid-19 lockdowns.