Tanzanía, Ayalagaya and Arri Wards, Babati District, Manyara Region
Area of expertise:
Community Income Generation
Karimu envisions a world without poverty. Their mission is to find sustainable ways to enhance the well-being of rural villages in the developing world. They engage deeply with local communities and government officials to set priorities for precise projects that address the interrelated challenges of poor health and sanitation, meager income and insufficient education, and lack of access to financial services that limit the well-being and opportunities for the poor.
Karimu uses an Integrated Approach : it recognizes that poverty is a complex problem that requires an active and integrated approach that directly involves the poor in dialogue and participation, requiring their investment alongside local communities and local governments to play an active role in sustainably tackling three fundamental challenges:
- Poor health and sanitation
- Meager income and insufficient education
- Lack of access to financial services

The support that SCF is bringing to Karimu aims to increase the financial security of rural and impoverished community members of Ayalagya and Arri wards, Tanzania. Karimu will work on a comprehensive income generation strategy building conditions to:
- Provide proven entrepreneurship skills using Street Business School Methodology
- Provide access to capital via savings groups in a sustainable manner
- Provide specific income opportunities via targeted farming and livestock projects – that will support the majority of farming households in Ayalagaya (86.55%) and Arri
This project represents for Karimu a relevant step in the development of these rural communities, as it is focused on increasing the income while previous actions had been primarily focused on improving education and health & water access.