Central America
Area of expertise:
Economic development, Food security
ASORECH is a second-level organization made up of institutions legally constituted, where its partner organizations are legal persons representing municipal producer organizations, which for more than 20 years have carried out actions for the Community Organizational Strengthening, promoting Integrated Management of Water Resources, Citizen Participation, Local Economic Development, Food Security and Adaptation to Change Climate.
ASORECH is an organization representing the interests of organizations of the departments of Zacapa and Chiquimula, they work in coordination with both government agencies and international cooperation.
Starting in 1994, a process of social participation began at the community level. With around 800 groups included in services and production actions of coffee, basic grains (corn, beans), fruit trees and forests.
Those being a priority, the promotion resulted in an increased coffee productivity, thereby helping the region to manifest a participation in national production of over 10% and increase in the improvement of grain quality and job creation.
ASORECH’s mission is to be an organization of small peasant producers, which promotes development processes with equity. They hope to achieve this through participation of citizens, environmental management, economic inclusion and food security. And all of those later on contributing to adaptation to Climate Change, in the Rio Grande basin by Zacapa.

The project aims to improve the socio-economic conditions of 500 indigenous rural families living in poverty and vulnerability in the departments of Chiquimula and Zacapa in Guatemala’s Dry Corridor region, who are organized into five peasant organizations.
To achieve this goal, ASORECH, the Ch’orti’ Regional Campesino Association, which is made up of five producer organizations, will strengthen its organizational structure and improve the technical and associative capacities of its social base in order to jointly produce and commercialize new value chains that are prioritized in their territories.
This project is based on a partnership between CODESPA and ASORECH, in which CODESPA will transfer to ASORECH its experience in strengthening agricultural value chains.